2014 has been running for more than 30 days and I realized that I haven't posted my second Books in English Reading Challenge Master Post!
I'm sorry.
Okay, I will not make any excuses. I'll be hosting 2014 Books in English Reading Challenge chapter 3 starting on today. This challenge will be going on a "new" format that I classified them into 3 classes.
They are:
#1 Elementary Class
Elementary Class requires you to read 6-12 books and write down all the reviews.
#2 Intermediate Class
Intermediate Class requires you to read 13-24 books and write down all the reviews.
#3 Advance Class
Advance Class requires you to read >24 books and write down all the reviews.
#1 Elementary Class
Elementary Class requires you to read 6-12 books and write down all the reviews.
#2 Intermediate Class
Intermediate Class requires you to read 13-24 books and write down all the reviews.
#3 Advance Class
Advance Class requires you to read >24 books and write down all the reviews.
Some rules in this challenge:
- It requires you to have a book blog. If you don't have any, please make your own book blog, because it has an issue with rules number 3.
- Make sure that you're Indonesian who lives in Indonesian or if you're studying abroad, make sure that you have Indonesian mailing address.
- Choose your own class and write a master post about this challenge on your blog. You have to put the banner on your blog too. Copy paste the script below to put on your blog's sidebar.
- You can sort down the books you'll read on the master post and edit them later if necessary.
- Submit your link below for signing up. The sign-up linky will be opened from February 7, 2014 throughout the year until December 1, 2014
- I also put linkies for monthly reviews. They're opened from the first day of each month till the end of each month.
- At the end of the challenge, please write down a wrap-up post and submit the link in the linky too. The linky of wrap-up post will be opened from December 1, 2014 til February 7, 2015.
- I will pick one winner from every class based on points you collect. The prizes will be revealed soon.
- You may write the reviews in English or Bahasa Indonesia.
- Comics or graphic novels are allowed, but not more than 2 books.
- You may combine the books you read with other challenges.
- I'll try to make 2 game posts to boost your points. It will be revealed soon.
- Have fun!
Master Post: +10pts
Review Post: +5-10 pts
Wrap up Post: +25 pts
Game Post: +10-15 pts
And I will give you any addition points according to the genre of the books. For uneasy-to-read books according to what most people's opinion, I will give you extra points.
I can't wait to see what great books you bring to this challenge. I want you to have fun here!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comment below.
I have an issue with the linky. So, if you want to sign up after February, you can contact me via email: peniastiti [at] gmail [dot] com. I can only post my linky that contains not more than 30 days of submissions T_____T
Master Post and Sign Up Linky
February Review Linky
yeaay! ada Books in English RC lagiii.
BalasHapuscount me in, teh peni.
*siap-siap bikin master post*
aseeeek! *dance*
HapusTeh, buku yang dibaca mulai yang Februari ini atau boleh mulai dari Januari?
BalasHapusMaster Post nyusul as usual ^^
mulai dari Februari aja, Ren :D
HapusI read english books more than Indonesian, I think I'll join this although I've joined 4 other RC XD
BalasHapusAhh and I love games!
thank you for joining my challenge ^_^
Hapusikutan ah :3
BalasHapussip! makasih, yak!
HapusSaya ikuuut~
BalasHapustwo questions. Teh Peni, ini kan aku baca banyak buku di februari, tapi belum semua reviewnya kebikin. Kadang gitu bikinnya bulan maretnya. gitu dimasukin linky maret sekalian kah? trus untuk review januari bagaimana?
Aseeek! Nina ikutan!
HapusReview yang disubmit bulan Februari hanya untuk Februari aja, Nina. Januari ga dihitung, karena periode challenge-nya kan dari Februari 2014-Januari 2015 ;)
Jadi kalo Nina bikin review bulan Maret, masukkan ke linky bulan Maret. gituuu...
ooh, jadi begitu. I got it~
Hapuskapanpun bulan bacanya, tetep dimasukin ke linky bulan reviewnya, in a nutshell.
Mbak, udah closed linknya >,<
BalasHapusIni wrap up postku sampai Maret : http://www.resensiharlequin.com/2014/02/yeay.html
hai kak :3 sesuai janji hihi
BalasHapusmaster post: http://banagolate.blogspot.com/2014/05/books-in-english-reading-challenge.html